cammill [OPTIONS] FILE
-zo: View-Zoom (view-zoom) (FLOAT)
-hl: View-Helplines (show helplines) (0/1)
-sg: View-ShowGrid (show grid) (0/1)
-st: View-ShowTool (show tool-diameter) (0/1)
-vt: View-Textures (show textures) (0/1)
-rx: View-Rotate-X (View-Rotate X) (FLOAT)
-ry: View-Rotate-Y (View-Rotate Y) (FLOAT)
-rz: View-Rotate-Z (View-Rotate Z) (FLOAT)
-tx: View-Translate-X (View-Translate X) (INT)
-ty: View-Translate-Y (View-Translate Y) (INT)
-gs: View-Grid-Size (size of the grid) (FLOAT)
-as: View-Arrow-Scale (size of arrows) (FLOAT)
-d: View-DXF-File (dxf-filename) (FILE)
-tp: Tool-Select (selected tool from tooltable) (INT)
-tn: Tool-Number (tool-number) (INT)
-td: Tool-Diameter (tool-diameter) (DOUBLE)
-ts: Tool-Speed (real spindle-speed) (INT)
-tw: Tool-Flutes (flutes of the tool, to calculate max toolspeed and feedrate) (INT)
-tt: Tool-Table (the tooltable filename) (FILE)
-fr: Milling-FeedRate (real feedrate) (INT)
-pr: Milling-PlungeRate (plunge feedrate) (INT)
-md: Milling-Depth (end depth) (DOUBLE)
-msp: Milling-Z-Step (depth per step) (DOUBLE)
-msm: Milling-Safe-Move (safe move z-position) (DOUBLE)
-oc: Milling-Overcut (overcutting edges) (0/1)
-lm: Milling-Lasermode (lasermode, depth=0.0, turn on/off per object) (0/1)
-mr: Milling-Climb (reverse milling direction / climb milling) (0/1)
-no: Milling-NoOffsets (without tool-offsets) (0/1)
-mp: Milling-Pocket (mill pockets inside) (0/1)
-ps: Milling-Pocket-Stepover (pocket-stepover in percent / relative to the Tool-Diameter) (INT)
-vm: Milling-Velocity-Mode (Velocity-Mode G61/G64 P...) (0/1)
-bt: Milling-Blending Tolerance (Blending Tolerance G64 P?) (DOUBLE)
-mt: Milling-Mill Text (mill mtext from dxf-files) (0/1)
-nd: Milling-NC-Debug (output objects without offsets / for debugging) (0/1)
-hu: Holding-Tabs-Activate (using holding-tabs) (0/1)
-tg: Holding-Tabs-Show Grid (show tab-grid) (0/1)
-htd: Holding-Tabs-Depth (depth of the holding-tabs) (DOUBLE)
-htl: Holding-Tabs-Length (length of the holding-tabs) (DOUBLE)
-htt: Holding-Tabs-Triangle-Type (type of the holding-tabs) (0/1)
-ht: Holding-Tabs-On Open (holding-tabs on open contours) (0/1)
-hti: Holding-Tabs-On Inside (holding-tabs on inside-contours) (0/1)
-hto: Holding-Tabs-On Outside (holding-tabs on outside-contours) (0/1)
-htx: Holding-Tabs-X-Grid (X-grid of the holding-tabs) (DOUBLE)
-hty: Holding-Tabs-Y-Grid (Y-grid of the holding-tabs) (DOUBLE)
-fs: Machine-Fastmove-Speed (fast-move speed of the machine, to calculate the milling-time) (INT)
-mpt: Machine-Post (post-processor selection) (INT)
-o: Milling-Output-File (gcode-output filename) (FILE)
-ms: Material-Select (material selection to calculate feedrate and spindlespeed) (INT)
-pc: Milling-Post-Command (postcommand to trigger an script after saving the gcode (you can use this to copy the gcode to your cnc-machine)) (STRING)
-objs: Objects-Select (object selection) (INT)
-obju: Objects-Use (use this object) (0/1)
-objf: Objects-Overwrite (override global parameters for this object) (0/1)
-objc: Objects-Climb (Climb Milling) (0/1)
-objo: Objects-Offset (Offset) (INT)
-objv: Objects-Overcut (admit an internal cutting error due to the tool diameter) (0/1)
-objp: Objects-Pocket (Pocket cutting) (0/1)
-objl: Objects-Laser (Laser cutting) (0/1)
-objd: Objects-Depth (end depth) (DOUBLE)
-objt: Objects-Holding-Tab's (use holding tabs) (0/1)
-mo: Objects-Order (milling order (Auto= first internal then external, -1 -> -5 = mill first, 1 -> 5 = mill last)) (INT)
-rm: Rotary-Activate (rotarymode to project 2D on rotating axis) (0/1)
-ra: Rotary-Axis (axis that used as rotating axis) (INT)
-rd: Rotary-Diameter (diameter of the material for the rotary-mode) (DOUBLE)
-to: Tangencial-Activate (tangencial-knife cutting, depth=0.0) (0/1)
-ta: Tangencial-Axis (axis that used as tangencial axis) (INT)
-tm: Tangencial-MaxAngle (maximum angle before push up the knife) (DOUBLE)
-mto: Misc-Tolerance (Tollerance between points to close objects) (DOUBLE)
-te: Misc-Parameter (Tabs or Expander for Parameter) (INT)
-sa: Misc-Setup-Autosave (Save setup at exit) (0/1)